After School Revival

Supporting A Dungeon Game

I've been thinking about how to support a dungeon game long term. The obvious answer is "release stuff for it" but 'thinking about it' means actually drilling down into what that support looks like.

1: Regular Releases

Adventures are what I love to write, so why wouldn't I write them for my own game? Realistically I think 3 zine-length adventures a year, produced entirely by me, is both achievable and a decent schedule that doesn't result in oversaturation. I'd love to do something bigger like The Isle and I'd love to be able to bring on other writers but right now I don't have the resources and that's fine. Build slowly and sustainably. And with a number of small releases, there's always the option to anthologise later.

2: Consistent Branding

Thinking in terms of Product is always weird and icky but it has to be done. A Dungeon Game has a very distinctive look and I'm going to ensure that everything in the line looks like it fits. That means covers designed with simple geometry and bold colours evoke that Penguin/Puffin/textbook look, and it means printing them at the size of paperback novels rather than my normal A5 zines so that they're the same size as the game.

3: Make It An Event

Market the fuck out of things and lean into FOMO because it works. Print adventures will be print only and produced in limited runs initially. If I feel I want more content out there then I can put some small HTML dungeons on the site for free from time to time - the kind of thing that N8 does.

4: Put It In People's Hands

The game is free online and the print version is going to be something I give away at cons and include as a pack-in for web store orders rather than something I sell. This is how Jared has distributed Vanilla Game and I love it. It feels special. Owning a physical copy makes me feel like I'm in on a secret and that makes me want to run it for people.

I'm also going to be running this at cons from here on out. Normally I'd run Mörk Borg or Troika or Mausritter but I'm going to be exclusively running ADG at these events now.

And that's basically the entire long term plan in four steps. I also have a list of things I want to do in the short term:

I don't know how effective this will be but I do know that it's more than I've done to support my past work and more than most indies are doing to support their games so it seems worth a try.
