After School Revival

Running out of ideas

I've been posting about dungeon23 in a few places, and I've had more than one comment to the effect of, "you're going to run out of ideas before you finish".

This is nonsense. These are the words of people who do not write regularly.

Ideas don't spring from nowhere. They're the result of your brain forming connections - connections between the things you read and watch and hear and experience, and connections between the things you write.

The more you write, the more you will write. Write seven dungeon rooms and you'll look at them and think, "what if?" and write another seven rooms. Write your encounter table, and then ask where these things came from. What business do they have in this space? What levers have I created for myself to pull on, and what additional levers do I create when I pull on them?

Ideas beget ideas. Sit down and write and that will become self evident with time.